Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 rewind.

2010 has come to an end.  and since reminiscing is a by product of this time of year, here i go:

worst parts: worst classes ever, erin leaving, sophie getting sick, being too busy to do the things i love, learning to cook without salt, trying to find sodium-free alternatives, giving up belle

best parts: the march blizzard and building snowmen with nick, booked up with erin in the snow, booked up with gabe and tairyn, corresponding with bradbury again, rekindling old hobbies that bring me such peace, balita, thanksgiving

it's been a decent year. i know that i have it better and easier than so many others, so i'll say that despite its hardships, 2010 has been good.  so now on to the resolutions.

in 2010 i resolved to:
1) work seriously on the bradbury project. maybe even go to ohio to see the manuscripts.  i actually did do a lot of serious work on the project, but it's still not where i want it to be. breakthroughs are occurring, though.  fingers crossed that one day i'm done.
2) take care of my family and be a better daughter.  i don't know how i did here.  i tried.  that's all i can give it.

in 2011 i will:
1) work seriously on the bradbury project. maybe even go to ohio to see the manuscripts.
2) master the better crochet hold
3) quilt.  for real.
4) make grading deadlines and stick to them.

best of 2010 (the best things i've encountered this year)
    * a year of living biblically - a.j. jacobs
    * letters to a young poet - ranier marie rilke        

    * the road - cormac mccarthy
    * bonk - mary roach

    * asa - asa
    * lonely avenue - ben folds
    * lungs - florence and the machine
    * music for men - gossip
    * the house that dirt built - the heavy
    * to the sea - jack johnson

    * alice in wonderland
    * due date
    * inception
    * shrek forever after
    * machete
    * clash of the titans
    * daybreakers
    * the crazies
    * the losers

2010 in review (quotes from my dear bloggy blog):
enero: "first days are hard."
febrero: "it, in a few short minutes, demonstrates everything that snow is: quiet, soft, calm, peaceful, joyful."
marzo: "i'm so proud of my best bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
abril: ""they're starting to kick off," i muttered to myself when i discovered the news article, "i better hurry up and wrap this paper up.""
mayo: "when dr. spencer assigned madame bovary, i groaned."
junio: "belle, my wonderfully fantastic car, and i have reached a major milestone in our relationship:  100,000 miles."
julio: "i wish i had something brilliant to say about the book i’m currently reading, but the truth is, my simple words cannot express how fascinatingly beautiful and terrifying this book is"
agosto: "reality began to sink in today."
septembre: "so i consider this a shout out to all of those writers whom i thoroughly admire, who have and who continue to produce art for art's sake in spite of those irrational few who seek its destruction because they disagree with its meaning or what they consider its meaning."
octubre: "our canon, our literary history, is a motley crew, composed of writers that may have gained influence from their contemporaries and forbears, but ultimately wrote what they wanted to and how."
noviembre: "i'm reading more cormac mccarthy."
deciembre:"everything and everyone is fickle."

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


that's the word of the last month.  fickle.

fickle people, fickle students, fickle weather.

everything and everyone is fickle.  

including me.