Wednesday, December 31, 2008

rewind. fast forward.

2008 was a big deal. it has many leather bound books. and since reminiscing is a byproduct of this time of year, here i go:

worst parts: daddy's surgery, hurricane freaking ike, kass jackman, the election drama, getting screwed at touchstone, not having a social life the entire summer (thank you again to my buds for putting up with my lack of availability and making me go out at least once a week!)

best parts: eli young band (twice!), ben folds with erin and josh, glen rose with gabe and erin, galveston with daddy, gabe, and erin, mardi, fishing on the boat on the fourth of july, serenading the boys with the sweeney todd soundtrack, iron man, the first day at my new jobs, the rodeo, taking pics with mom on christmas day, snow!, getting my m.a., nick's graduation, leaving touchstone, freak blizzard in march, movie night with the circle, obama!!, spending christmas at home this year
the good parts more than outweigh the bad. it's been a good year. so now on to the resolutions.
in 2008 i resolved to:
1) be less scared of life. check.
2) be braver. check. i went to chicago by myself. and while i wasn't as brave as a could have been while there, i still think that the trip alone is a big step.
3) take more risks. check. i quit my long-time job for a summer position with no prospects after that. yeah, that's risk-taking.
4) accept more challenges. check. i took up the challenge of leading a classroom full of people. and i ROCK at it.
5) not to back down regardless of anxiety. check. kind of. i still struggle with anxiety. probably always will. the difference is i haven't let it hold me back as much this year.
6) be more spontaneous. check. kind of. it's hard to be spontaneous. especially when no one around you wants to be spontaneous with you. i'm working on it.
7) appreciate the opportunities i am presented with. check.
in 2009 i will:
1) work seriously on the bradbury project. maybe even go to ohio to see the manuscripts.
2) make more time for things i enjoy: taking pics, baking, reading, etc.
3) set firm deadlines for grading papers and meet them.

2008 in review (quotes from my dear bloggy blog):

"so there you go. my plan for the new year. afterall, if i survived 2007 i can survive anything."
"who puts plato's allegory of the cave, biblical allusions, and homer into song lyrics? jack johnson does."

"the possum pauses, looks at me, then continues waddling across the sidewalk to the bushes on the other side."
"oh that and i came to the realization today that the "hood" for my graduation regalia is more like a cape. seven years of denton (and making fun of the crunchy-granola cape-wearing art students) and i'm going to be the one on campus wearing a cape. karma's a bitch."
mayo: "i'm now a lobster. but a lobster who totally outfished her daddy."
"i lost a friend this week. i had known her for several years, looked up to her, and admired her strength."
julio: "don't you just love it when you rediscover your awesomeness? that is all."
"obama, you have my support. for what it's worth."
septiembre: "5:: what is your kryptonite? used bookstores."
octubre: "don't think of halloween as a foolish children's holiday, think of it as nourishment for your inner child."
noviembre: "i woke up this morning in the new america"
"it's a little blurry--but so goes the average duessa birthday."

happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

birthday celebrations...

so my birthday was a couple of weeks ago. the big 2-6. whoopee.

in honor of the day, my b-day buddy, gabe, and i invited our circle to a day of fun. we met for lunch at dick's last resort then headed over to the dallas world aquarium. in true duessa fashion i intended on documenting the day on film (or in this case memory card), although that didn't go quite as well as i planned.

this is me on the way to meet my buddies:
when we arrived at dick's (gifts aplenty in hand), our oh-so-loveable waiter made me this hat:

then he made this one for gabe (gotta love the uber-appropriate creepy face):

just as the food was about to be delivered, we were made to wear bibs. that's right. bibs. like little children. here are josh and erin modeling theirs:

after lunch we headed to the aquarium. it was playtime for one of the sloths. here is a less-than-thrilled nick posing in front of him:

and here is said sloth:

we saw a ton of other cool animals there, but because i only took my digital camera, the only ones i caught on film (err, memory card) were sloths. i guess they just move so slowly you can't help but take their picture. anyway, here are a couple of other sloths living up to their name:

and finally, as we neared the end of our aquarium trip, i roped some stranger into take a group picture. it's a little blurry--but so goes the average duessa birthday.

the next day, my mom and i went to the ice! exhibit in grapevine. i'll post those pics soon.
duessa, out.