Thursday, February 11, 2010

snow and inspiration.

it's snowing.  

i love snow.  it reminds me of so many good things.  there's something transcendent about it.  ethereal.  

snow is quiet and calm, floating to the ground softly where it changes the look of the earth.

it reminds me of home.  of being in the presence of those who love me.  of comfort.  of warmth.  of being loved.

so even though it's snowing and lovely outside, i'm uninspired.  i can't seem to make myself write.   nothing is riding on my ability to pen my thoughts, but i want to put my thoughts down.  

i hope that when i go home today to sit quietly by the fire and watch the snow inspiration will strike.  i hope.  snow, please don't fail me.

one of my favorite songs expresses my feelings about snow better than i ever could--not the lyrics, but the music.  it, in a few short minutes, demonstrates everything that snow is: quiet, soft, calm, peaceful, joyful.

give it a listen.

remember--it's not the lyrics.  it's the music.

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