Tuesday, March 5, 2013

on updates.

so, i haven’t posted anything in quite a while, but i have been writing in other ways.  nothing too huge has been going on in my life lately, so i haven’t needed to rely on my blog for therapy lately—which i’m sure you appreciate.

since i don’t really have too much to say today, i thought i’d provide a little update on things i’m doing right now:
  1. i love my job—still.  even with all its daily drama, stress, and whatnot, my job rocks.  i have terrific coworkers, a handful of truly amazing and inspiring students, and i get to talk about what i love every day.
  2. my bestie is having a rough time with luck right now.  i hate this and really hope things begin to look up soon.  he deserves the world, and i hope he knows it.
  3. i’ve sent my bradbury paper to a few trusted peeps for some general feedback.  then, once i get their comments, i’ll farm it out for possible publication.  did i really just type that?  yikes.  things just got real.
  4. i’m thinking about volunteering during the summer.  i lucked out and get to take summer ii off, which means i have nothing to do between july 4 and august 27, so i thought i might get out into the community and do some good.  i’m currently looking at a few organizations i’d like to work with.  hopefully something will stick.
  5. i’ve recently redecorated my office and my bedroom.
  6. my post-apocalyptic/dystopian class goes live in the fall!
that’s pretty much what’s going on in my life right now.

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