Sunday, January 5, 2014

on books and challenges.

so it begins: a new book challenge for 2014.

i’ve been a member on goodreads for a few years now, but have only recently begun actually using it to track what i’m reading.  i hate that i don’t have an accurate list of all the books i’ve read in my life—i would love to be able to look over that list.

so for this year’s challenge, i have set a goodreads goal of 60 books.  that is, i will read a minimum of 60 books this year.  this number seems small to me, and i initially started at 100, but given the months of sometimes complete and utter attention my job requires, 2 books a week doesn’t seem feasible at all.

the list is malleable--i don't know what exactly i'll read.  there will likely be some fresh new stuff, some classics, narrative nonfiction, and some re-reads.  it doesn't matter what i'm reading, as long as i'm reading.

so i will read a minimum of 60 books this year and will blog about them here.  book reviews, random thoughts, analysis—whatever i am left with at the end of a book will be posted here.

while this challenge may not be as difficult as the book buying ban, it is a goal that i must work towards, and that’s something i can benefit from. 

not to mention—think of all the great books i’ll get to explore!

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